Diffusion of Innovations

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Texting has been around since as long as I can remember, but it's important to understand how it started. Texting was first created when Neil Papworth sent the first text reading "Merry Christmas" back in 1992. It began to take off when others found out about texting and the importance behind it. The tipping point was when more cellphones came out, specifically the iPhone when it was released in January of 2007. The iPhone made it incredibly easy to send texts from one person to another and this is when texting really kicked off. People started to understand how important texting actually was and the convenience behind it was something no one could wrap their heads around. Once people got the hang of texting, it wasn't hyped up anymore as much, but it still is something Americans use almost 24/7. Texting had many benefits for our society, but also some negatives as well. When texting was introduced and people were slowly getting the hang of it, phone calls and one on one conversations began to die down leading to our society relying on our phones for everything and we get uncomfortable when we have to make a phone call, showing how much things have changed in the past decades.

Pioneeers: Neil Papworth sending first text in 1992

Early adopters: Those who had the Nokia phone and wanted to see what texting was about

Late majority: Were late to the texting industry, but still pursued in it.

Late adopters: Grandparents; our grandparents grew up in an era where texting wasn't a thing so they don't understand how to use it in the right ways and typically stick to phone calls.

Laggards: Teenagers, myself included, are addicted to texting and are on our phones almost all of the time, texting is an easy form of communication and phone calls aren't typically made unless in an emergency.
