Mad World

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Cellphones have seem to taken over the world as the generations have passed. I have grown up in a society where we are always glued to our phones and this has really made an impact on our world. Over the years, teachers have had to ask us to put away our cellphones for class so we weren't distracted. This is something that wouldn't have been asked a decade ago. My generation tends to feel more relaxed and at peace when we have our phones with us. If I have ever found myself in an uncomfortable situation, the first thing I do is go on my phone even without any reasoning. 

Sometimes we get anxious when we can't find our phone and that's honestly really sad to think about. Today, we live in a society where we can't last without our phones. We need to know what's happening at all times and our phones are the only things that allow us to do just that. Sometimes I miss my childhood as I was growing up when I didn't have a cell phone and didn't have to rely on it for everything. Our world was so much easier without social media, but as we are becoming introduced to newer and advanced technology, we can't seem to live without it. 
