First Amendment

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Recently, there has been a tragedy within our university with a potential shooter. It's still extremely hard to process and the campus has been shaken ever since we received the news. As a communications major, the media and press is something very relative to this subject. Specifically with this case, the potential shooter's roommate saw the guns and immediately said something to a higher authority. This is where freedom of speech comes into play. The kid saw something and spoke up about it due to his ability to have freedom of speech which is one aspect of the First Amendment.

Image result for freedom of speech

Although there are times as Americans, that we are afraid to say what we feel, in situations like this it is so important to use our right of freedom of speech. Our freedom of speech is so valuable and sometimes we get into our owns and try to make us think otherwise. The student did everything he could and handled the situation as well all should, but it says a lot that he used his freedom of speech and spoke up about the situation and allowed authorities to handle the rest.

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