How Texting Began

My cell phone is one of my most valuable possessions, and I would be completely lost without it. However, one thing I never thought of until this project was how texting began. To begin, an SMS is a short messaging system. In the year of 1992, Engineer Neil Papworth sent the first text via computer to the cellphone of Richard Jarvis. The first text read, "Merry Christmas," which is something I would have never expected as the first ever text to be sent out into the world. 

The idea behind a text message was made by Friedhelm Hillebrand by counting every space, letter and punctuation in common phrases that were used in a daily basis. What Friedhelm didn't know at the time was that he was entering into a whole new territory that would one day change the world. Just one year later in 1993, Nokia was the first to come out with the first cell phone who supported SMS texting. 

Just seven years following the first phone, people could text across networks, not just the same network. At the time, the average American would sent 35 texts per month whereas the American teenager sends 2,000 a day. Technology has come so far over the years and so has texting. Although texting has creating problems with first hand communication, it's something we rely on to this day and I am anxious to see where the future takes us. 

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