The Progressive Era

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Justin K. McFarlane Beau once said, "Proper process, should not hinder progress. Too much focus on process, has left many blind to measured, tangible progress. I believe as Americans, we often have controversial views when it comes to certain things. We were born into a country that teaches us the values of freedom on a daily basis, yet we are still so scared to express how we feel. Whether it's something we express out loud, online, just by our actions, we our scared to express our honest thoughts and opinions because we don't want to upset someone or make someone mad. 

Our country has several forms of media that millions of people read or watch daily. Some of the most well known are New York Times, Forbes, Washington Post, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, etc. However, there is always controversial views on what they post and this results in the journalists feeling overwhelmed that they can't express their own views due to the public. In hopes to reach those who believe their opinion is very valuable, there has been websites made where people can post whatever they want about politics or relevant news. For example, ANTIWAR and The American Conservative are two publications where you can do so. The American Conservative explains how they aim to promote a "Main Street" conservatism that opposes unchecked power in government and businesses. The ANTIWAR explains how it is made for many on the Right, who agree with our opposition to imperialism. Both websites are completely opposite from one another but show how America is today with everyones' thoughts and feelings laid out in front of us.


American Conservative
