Values of Free Expression

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When reading each of the eight values of free expression, the fourth one stood out to me the most. This speech theory consists of self actualization through the value of individualized self-fulfillment. I believe a value like this is the most important and influential because you have to believe in yourself and find yourself in order to be successful. Our bodies and minds are so important and essential to our everyday lives and the actions we make. This speech theory states that "free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity." The idea of self-actualization came from Abraham Maslow and the theories he had created. Without free speech, we wouldn't be able to express how we truly feel as an individual and although there are some things we should keep to ourselves, we still have the right to freedom of speech and this is extremely important when it comes to self actualization. Our actions and words make up the person we are today and without it, what would make anyone different from one another? 

When it comes to self actualization, I would say this is the most important speech theory. It gives us the right to differentiate ourselves from everyone else and gives us the opportunity to be our truest selves. We each are so different from one another and it's so important that we are able to find ourselves. It might not be the easiest thing for the average person to do, but through our experiences in life and our actions and words, these each make up the person we are today which is why this free expression is so valuable in our society. 

