False Flags

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A false flag is when a government carries out a terror attack and then falsely blames it on its enemy for political purposes. Its purpose is to be deceiving and the term "false flag" originally referred to pirate ships that flew flags of countries as a disguise to prevent their victims from fleeing or preparing for battle. In the eyes of the government or whoever may be using a false flag, the operation is deemed good. However, in the eyes of everyone that it's affecting, it's deemed bad.

The operation has caused conspiracy theories in the past with attacks such as 9/11. Many had thought that the government had carried out a false flag operation for the government to achieve some type of goal such as expansion in the government. There have also been conspiracy theories made on terror attacks such as big shootings recently and no one seems to have the answers.

False flag operations can affect society as a whole in many ways. These operations cause chaos for everyone involved and can be devastating. It's used as a deception while disguising the source of responsibility and this affects everyone that is being deceived. It has been deemed to be a psychological warfare so it shows that this can have a lot of effect on our society as a whole. It primarily affects our society in its entirety, but it can also affect certain groups of people as well.

I believe as our generations are changing and with the advancements in our technology and warfare, that false flags could really ruin a lot of things in the world. The increase in mass shootings around the world keeps increasing and you never know who is truly behind the planning of them. Our military is exposed to so much more warfare and false flags could still be affecting our generation, maybe even worse than before.

False Flags
