Online Presence

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Social Media has taken over our lives within the past decade. When I first joined social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, I didn't know how far the technology would have come. On each of these platforms, I illustrate my life and things I enjoy doing whether its with family or friends. I use Social Media almost as much as I possibly can and honestly can say I don't know what I would do without it. 

I believe our society has been so caught up in Social Media with how far its been advancing and we're addicted to it. However, this isn't necessarily a good thing. Social Media has distanced us from the real world and there will be times when I pull my phone out, ready to take a picture, but then I realize how important it is to take a second and look around at whats in front of me and not through the screen. We get so caught up in the Social Media world that we often tend to focus on what is in front of us. 

I think that Social Media has affected a lot of people over the generations when it comes to their mental health. Sometimes people will look at others lives and will compare it to their own. What people tend to forget is that everyone tries to make their life look perfect on social media, yet we don't even know what their actual life is like. 

Overall, social media also has its perks. We are constantly up to date with our friends and family through the use of pictures and posts. It also is used as a platform to keep up to date with all of the trending news stories and what things are happening in the world. Social Media has come such a far way over the generations, but I can't wait to see what else is store in the future. 
