EOTO Part Two

Image result for echo chambers"

Prior to other groups' presentations, I was familiar with most terms, but didn't have the greatest understanding behind them. A group out that stuck out to me was group two. Group two had explained some terms that I wasn't extremely familiar with and their presentation gave me a much greater understanding behind these terms. They had discussed "Media Alternatives" and explained that this is when a media differs from established or dominant types of media in terms of their content. We see many examples of this in the world as we watch the news or are up to date with events happening in the world. One in particular is Green Peace where they use online tactics such as podcasts.

Group two had also mentioned "Echo Chambers" which are closed off to idea of change. This is an idea that we also see a lot in our society today. We often are afraid of change due to what others might think so we try to conform to our society. Echo Chambers are something that are very common in our society especially through the use of social media.

The last term that stuck out to me during their presentation was "Citizen Journalism". This is when media shares news through the public's point of view. As social media continues to grow and expand, this is something that is brought up in the news more often. As I am scrolling on a social media website, I will always come across a video that someone else took and now it is viral and across the world. We often tend to get wrapped up in this false reality where we have to look at life through our screens rather than face to face and it shows how large the social media platform has expanded and continues to do so.

Echo Chambers
