Privacy Online & Off

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As social media continues to expand, our amount of online privacy can begin to be of concern. In Juan Enriquez' Ted Talk, he explains the symbolic image that tattoos can portray. They can say a lot about a person and he illustrates that our social media platforms that we use can also be perceived as electronic tattoos. What we put out there, is how we want people to perceive us and judge us as so it's important to understand the consequences before you can't take it back. He made a very strong connection between these two subjects in a way to emphasize the importance of how we should monitor what we are posting. 

Catherine Crump takes on her perspective of our online privacy by explaining an event taking place in Missouri and how its affecting the rest of the United States. The event was associated with police and she explained how surveillance footage is becoming the same issue in the world as well. Just our simple tasks like running to the store, going to the doctor, going shopping, can each tell our story about where we go and the kind of person that we are and it's crazy to think something as little as this can reveal so much information about someone. 

Christopher Soghoian explains that television companies have given government wire tapping technology for a form of surveillance. This has been going on for hundreds of years and is an ongoing issue in our world. Our conversations on the telephone are not always as private as we may think. Government from a third party can listen into our phone calls and hear our conversations. Government officials are mad in response to this and believe that all communication should be available to the government and encryptions should be available. 

Darieth Chisolm explained in her Ted Talk that people can use our phones as a form of blackmail through the use of pictures or text messages. This can be cyber harrassment or bullying and this is something we need to be aware of as the social media platform continues to expand. People have the chance to post our whole life on the internet and it would stay there forever. It is a hard situation to deal with and we need to be aware of our actions at all costs. 

In Andy Yen's Ted Talk, he explains that the internet has transformed the way we communicate in many ways. Each time we post something online, we are putting more information of ourself out there into the world and this can tell a lot about our life stories. The scary part about this is that our data stays out there forever and this can lead to us losing even more privacy online.

Lastly, Finn Myrstad discuess in his Ted Talk that we often tend to give our information to online websites with unnamed third parties and this can reveal a lot of information about ourselves that we typically wouldn't want people to know. When we were children, we often played games online or signed up for things that required information and this data can be sent to third parties without our consent and this means all of this information about ourselves is being released into the world for everyone to see. 
