Where Will Social Media Take the World in the Next 10 Years?

Ten years ago, I wouldn't have thought I would be an aspiring Social Media Marketer. My 9 year old self still loved the idea of playing outside without any cares about my future or where it would take me. Sitting here today, I realize that within 10 years there has already been such a change in not only my mindset, but my hopes and ambitions. That brings me to the next question, where will social media take us in the next 10 years? Have you ever thought about how far platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have come since they were founded? Probably not, but now you have. 

With a society like ours, we are always checking our phones as soon as it goes off in our pocket. We always need to know the up and latest trends, latest news, and what our friends and families are doing. 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have realized that social media would be as important to our lives as it is today. It has affected me in more ways than I had thought it ever would as I have hopes of becoming a Social Media Marketer after college. As crazy as it sounds, I will be graduating from High Point University in just under 2 years and in just that short span of time, who knows where social media will stand. Will there be new platforms that are going to take over Instagram or Facebook or are they going to keep growing? 

Although there are times that I stop and think I should enjoy the moment rather than constantly being on my phone, I am grateful to have grown up in a society where social media is heavily relied on. It allows me to understand the importance behind it and the opportunities that come from it. When thinking of a perfect job, I couldn’t name something that would be better for me than Social Media Marketing. Social media has taken over the world in so many ways and only the future holds where it will take us next. Pete Cashmere once said, “We’re living at a time when attention is the new currency. Those who insert themselves into as many channels as possible look set to capture the most value.” With that being said, where do you think social media will take us in the next 10 years?

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